
Invite More Feathered Friends Into Your Garden By Planting These Fruit And Berry Trees That Birds Love

annette shaff - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual bird

Birds have the ability to bring vibrant energy to any garden, adding beauty, movement, and even helpful pest control.

One of the best ways to invite more feathered friends into your outdoor space is by growing trees that provide them with fruits and berries they naturally love.

Whether you’re an experienced gardener or just starting out, here are some excellent options that birds can’t resist, encouraging a variety of species to visit your yard.


Crabapple trees don’t just bring stunning spring blooms to your garden. They also provide birds with a rich food source.

Their small, tart fruits are a favorite among species like cedar waxwings, American robins, and house finches. Plus, these birds are especially attracted to the fruit during the colder months, when food is scarce.

Crabapple trees are fairly low-maintenance and prefer full sun and well-drained soil. Just remember to select disease-resistant varieties to avoid running into issues such as apple scab.

Black Cherry Trees

The black cherry tree is a total bird magnet, attracting species such as wood thrushes, northern orioles, and eastern bluebirds.

annette shaff – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual bird

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