
His Younger Daughter Borrowed His Eldest Daughter’s Car And Totaled It, So Now She’s Refusing To Speak To Him Or His Wife Until They Replace The Vehicle

After this went on for months, he eventually begged Casey to attend a family therapy session, and she agreed under one condition – Alana could not be there.

During the session, she made it clear that she wasn’t going to resume a relationship with him or his wife until they were able to get her a new car. According to him, this wouldn’t be able to realistically happen until next year.

This pushed the therapist to jump in and ask how Casey expected him and his wife to be able to afford that. At that point, she claimed that her sister Alana could just be forced to work and earn the money for the car.

He has a problem with this idea, though, due to Alana’s severe ADHD.

“She already has trouble managing her schoolwork. I’m worried that making her work to earn the money will harm her grades and have significant ramifications for her future,” he explained.

He tried telling that to Casey, too, but she refused to budge. She believes Alana should’ve thought about that before “destroying the car.”

Then, Casey doubled down, stating that she would not be speaking to anyone in their family until her vehicle was replaced.

In response, he told Casey that she was free to do whatever she wanted.

“But I’m not going to permanently harm her sister’s future to get her a car earlier,” he added.

Thankfully, his wife is on his side and thinks they need to stand firm in their decision. Yet, she’s also concerned that Casey will actually never speak to her again over this.

He noted that he obviously feels bad about Casey’s car getting ruined. Even so, it’s important to him that he looks out for both of his kids – not just one of them.

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