
His Wife’s Threatening To File For Divorce Unless He Takes A Paternity Test To Prove He’s Not The Father Of Her Friend’s Baby

He’s been nothing but honest and devoted. His wife is allowed to go through his phone whenever she wants.

As soon as she demanded a paternity test, he pulled out his phone, hoping to prove to his wife that he has never spoken to Jas, or other girls for that matter.

Although his wife found no proof of an affair, she still wants him to take the test. She actually threatened to file for divorce if he refuses.

“I told her I wouldn’t take the test because I’ve done nothing wrong,” he said. “I’ve given her no reason to doubt me.”

“But she’s still pushing for it, and I honestly don’t understand why. It feels like no matter what I say or do, she just doesn’t trust me anymore.”

“The fact that she’s questioning my loyalty and accusing me of something so serious has completely changed how I see her and our marriage.”

Ever since the paternity test conversation, his wife has been treating him coldly. To him, it seems like she has already decided he’s a cheater, without any evidence, and nothing he can say to her will influence that. His wife will only speak to him to bring up taking the test.

He has not been able to sleep at night, as his thoughts are consumed with trying to piece together where everything began to go downhill.

It’s so bizarre to him, as he and Jas have barely spoken in real life. They do greet one another when Jas comes to his home to pick up or drop his wife off, and that’s the extent of their interactions.

“I can’t understand how my wife could think I’d have an affair,” he continued. “Some family members said I should just take the test to get it over with, but for me, it’s about more than just that.”

“It feels like my wife is questioning my entire character and everything we’ve built together. By taking the test, it feels like I’d be admitting that I’m a cheater, and I can’t do that. I haven’t done anything wrong, and taking the test feels like I’m betraying myself and my integrity.”

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