
His Wife Spends All Of Her Free Time In Bed, But He Wants Her To Spend Time With Their Family

His wife stated that she was depressed, and he was sympathetic to her. She did go on medication, but that didn’t make his wife more motivated at home.

In the spring, his wife landed a new job, and although it’s mentally demanding, she’s been thrilled. She quickly overcame her depression and looked forward to heading off to work in the mornings.

His wife gets up, works out, and then goes to her job. She gets home at 4 p.m. or so but then lays down and takes a nap for two hours.

He then wakes her up so they can have dinner together, and his wife gets back in bed at 7:30 p.m., and that’s it. She goes to sleep and wakes up at 6 a.m., and then they start the cycle all over.

On the weekends, when his wife doesn’t have to work, she sleeps until noon. When 1 or 1:30 hits, she needs a nap, and she will snooze until it’s nighttime.

“If there is a time she doesn’t want to nap and wants to watch TV or a movie, she will do it in bed because it’s more comfortable for her than sitting,” he added.

“If we’re not willing to lay in bed with her all day, we get almost no quality time with her. This also leaves me doing the large majority of the housework and parenting.”

“Our daughter wants her constantly, but she tells her mommy wants to lay in bed, so she needs to lay there if she wants to see mommy. An 18-month-old isn’t going to do that.”

He repeatedly asks his wife to spend her free time with their little family, but she claims she has no energy.

He has mentioned to his wife that he has no interest in spending all day in bed with her, but she maintains that this is prime relaxation for her.

Her psychiatrist says she’s fine, so it’s not that she’s still depressed, and while he has pleaded with her to go see a doctor to check her physical health, she won’t do it.

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