
His Wife Spends All Of Her Free Time In Bed, But He Wants Her To Spend Time With Their Family

Pretty middle aged woman on bed in modern apartment smiling after wake up. Female in bedroom at home
Tatyana Gladskih - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Three years ago, this 40-year-old man got married to his wife, who is the same age as him. Now, his wife has forever been the kind of girl who prefers to lie around in bed all day.

When they first started dating though, and even in their early days of marriage, his wife was still happy to go out and participate in different activities along with him.

They went on dates a lot and also took weekend getaways. Then, when his wife got pregnant, she started to spend more time in bed.

Knowing her body was encountering many changes, he let it go and didn’t say anything to his wife about her bed rotting.

“She took months and months off of work and just laid in bed all day,” he explained. “To the point that it had a significant financial impact.”

“We’re both high earners, but she just wasn’t getting paid from taking so much time off. There was an adjustment period after she gave birth.”

Finally, his wife resumed working, but then she started to hate her office setting, and she fell into a depression.

As soon as his wife would come home every day, she would climb into bed and grumble about her job.

It was up to him to complete all of their household chores and parent their child, which overwhelmed him.

Pretty middle aged woman on bed in modern apartment smiling after wake up. Female in bedroom at home
Tatyana Gladskih – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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