
His Wife Admitted To An Emotional Affair With Her Cousin, Then Asked For A Divorce, But Now She’s Begging Him To Stay Married

After he brought up the photos, his wife said she wanted a reminder that she’s “more than just a mom.”

Knowing she was lying, he pushed his wife to be honest and said he could get the text message logs from their phone provider.

It was then his wife confessed that her cousin sent her a photo first, so she sent him a photo in response.

That made him feel even more devastated, so he packed up their kids and left to stay with his mom for a couple of days.

“At this point, I’m still in a ton of mental grief, confused and lost,” he said. “But I’m still willing to try to fix this because I truly love her and want our kids to be in a full home.”

“Over the next week, we barely talk unless it’s about the kids. She comes over to my mom’s to get the kids, and she takes them for the next week.”

“So I have a week to myself now at my mom’s. She emails me some divorce papers that she started to fill out, and I’m begging her not to do this, not to force this. But she doesn’t care.”

So there he was, alone at his mom’s house, completing the divorce paperwork while actively trying to get his wife to stick with him.

One day, his wife stated that she was actually going to pursue her cousin. Realizing it was time to give up the fight, he finished the paperwork and moved into a new rental house. His wife signed the papers, and that was it; they went on with their lives.

Oddly enough, his wife found out that he was talking to a woman he used to have a history with back when he was a teen, and his wife reached out to ask him about this.

He never did this while he was married, and he only reached out to this woman seeking support in his time of need.

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