
His Wife Admitted To An Emotional Affair With Her Cousin, Then Asked For A Divorce, But Now She’s Begging Him To Stay Married

Alexandra Phillips - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Just three days before this 31-year-old man was set to move to Florida with his 28-year-old wife and their two small children, she dropped some awful news on him.

Their flights were booked, and all of their belongings, as well as their car, had already made it to the Sunshine State, so her timing was interesting for sure.

Right after he got home from work that fateful day, his wife started in on him, saying she was no longer in love with him and didn’t want to remain married.

She added that they no longer had a “spark” and that she’d spent years in misery. As if things couldn’t get any worse, then his wife admitted to having an emotional affair with her 22-year-old first cousin.

He was so upset and hurt that he went to stay at his dad’s house that evening. Over the phone, he let his wife know that she had until the day was over to cut her cousin off and stop speaking to him.

He threatened to file for divorce if she didn’t follow through, but his wife promised she would do what he asked, as she intended to fix their marriage for the sake of their children.

The following day, he arrived back at their home to discuss everything further and look through his wife’s phone.

He realized she had already trashed all of the messages with her cousin, but after going into his wife’s photo app on her phone, he could see the last photos she had pulled up were from a steamy shoot she did for him as a Valentine’s Day gift this year.

He questioned his wife about her deleted material, and she promised she didn’t want to keep any of the messages with her cousin.

Alexandra Phillips – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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