
His New Neighbor’s Angry With Him For Not Paying Her Son $5 To Cut His Lawn

“I was amazed the adult in the situation was handling it worse than the literal child was. I’m wondering how much longer this will go on for,” he said.

“That was last week. Every time I’ve seen her since she’s stared daggers at me or made a show of crossing the street to avoid me.”

“I’m not instigating anything further – I really have no desire to speak to her – but I’m thinking she might try to send her poor kid back to collect the money or even mow the lawn again.”

He has spoken to his loved ones about the strange incident with his neighbors, and while many people are on his side, a few of his family members and friends think he should have given the boy $5 and then asked him not to mow the lawn.

He’s left wondering if he was a jerk. What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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