Categories: Relationships

His Girlfriend’s Been Unemployed For 4 Years, So He Thinks He Has No Choice But To Dump Her

Bre Avery Zacharski

His girlfriend says that if she does make herself find another job, she will quickly burn out once more, so she needs more time to get it together and feel motivated to work.

He doubts his girlfriend will ever get another job again since it’s been years that she’s remained unemployed.

Unfortunately, he lost his job recently, so he’s watching them blow through the money he’s saved at a horrifying rate.

While he’s panicking, his girlfriend insists they should remain calm because if they drastically change their lives and try to save money, it will only stress them out further and cause more problems.

“I know she’s a good person, and I love her, but the relationship is slowly deteriorating,” he said. “I’m afraid that I will have to carry all financial responsibilities till the end of our days without any help.”

“[I] really don’t want to end things, but I’m running out of options. Any advice?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Bre Avery Zacharski

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