
His Girlfriend Confessed To Cheating On Him After She Supposedly Thought Another Man At The Bar Was Him, But He’s Considering Breaking Up With Her Over It

While his girlfriend went over this story, she was crying and promising that she never intended to cheat on him. Rather, she called it a “horrible mistake” since she somehow thought he was that guy.

This has left him totally torn as, on the one hand, he understands that his girlfriend got really drunk and was confused.

“But on the other hand, she still ended up sleeping with someone else,” he vented.

“It hurts so much to think about, even though she says she thought it was me. I love her, but I’m struggling to see how I can trust her again after this.”

That’s why he’s currently considering breaking up with his girlfriend. He already felt insecure when it came to trust and commitment, yet she went and cheated on him anyway – even if she was in “her vulnerable state.”

He knows that she was honest about it and appears to seriously regret what happened. Nonetheless, he’s still filled with doubts.

“Plus, her friends were there and knew me. They could’ve stepped in or done something,” he added.

Now, he’s unsure if ending their relationship would be understandable, given what happened, or if he should give her grace for her “drunken mistake.”

Do you think it’s possible to go an entire night thinking a random man is your boyfriend? How would you handle this situation? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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