Categories: Relationships

His Girlfriend Began Crying When He Shouted At Her That He’s Not Her Security Blanket

Bre Avery Zacharski

“This has caused issues between us; she feels like I don’t consider her a priority anymore; I feel completely burnt out,” he added.

“This morning, she told me [she] and her therapist have made a plan that will help her be more independent; I was happy to hear this until she explained it involves me getting in her car every day while she drives around to build confidence, I told her I wasn’t doing that.”

“I explained I didn’t want to be dragged around in the car [for] a few hours every day. She kept nagging me about how she needed this, and I was holding her back by not helping her.”

“Eventually, I lost my temper and yelled at her that I am a person, not a comfort blanket; I have my own [stuff] I need to deal with, and am not just available to her whenever she needs it.”

His girlfriend began crying after he said that to her, and she hasn’t said a word to him since he lost his cool.

He’s left wondering if he took it all to the point of no return.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Bre Avery Zacharski

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