
His Girlfriend Asked If She Needs To Lose Weight, But She Just Got Upset With His Honest Answer

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It’s actually quite common for happy couples to gain weight after entering a relationship, and it can be due to a variety of factors. Partners may start to mirror each other’s eating habits and activity levels, or they might prioritize spending time together as opposed to exercising.

Plus, some enjoy going out to dinner or drinks more often, lessening the amount of healthy meals in their lives.

But if this happens, is it best to address it with your significant other? Or should you keep your mouth shut?

One man is currently grappling with this very same question after his girlfriend recently asked for his opinion on her weight, and he was truthful.

For some context, they’ve been dating for three years now, and over the course of their relationship, they’ve both put on some pounds.

“I’m on the heavy side of what’s classified as a healthy weight, and my girlfriend is slightly overweight,” he explained.

Just last night, she also randomly asked him if he still found her attractive, and he assured her that he did.

Still, the conversation didn’t end there – because his girlfriend proceeded to see whether he thought she needed to lose some weight.

He decided to share his honest perspective and explained how, while he didn’t think she needed to lose weight, they could both work on becoming healthier.

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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