Categories: Relationships

His Girlfriend And Her Female Coworkers Gave Steamy Photos Of Themselves To Their Male Coworker As A Birthday Present

Bre Avery Zacharski

J maintained that the photos were only a “joke,” and she was furious with him for snooping through her phone.

J says that because two of her female coworkers are in a relationship with other women and they were fine with the photos, so he should be too, whatever that means.

He feels that it was unfair of J not to even tell him she was doing this so he could decide if he was comfortable with it or not.

Perhaps if J had filled him in on the joke prior to the photo shoot, he might very well have been fine with it, considering he knows the guy.

“But now the female coworkers have been making comments to J that I’m controlling and making jokes about me ‘letting her’ do things or not,” he said.

What advice do you have for him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Bre Avery Zacharski

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