Categories: Romance

His Girlfriend Admitted She Lost Her Love For Him And Was Mostly Just Dating Him For His Looks, So He Dumped Her

Katharina Buczek

“She said she still loves me and wants to care for me, but she thinks if my looks fade, which they will, then she would have a tougher time loving me,” he explained.

This pushed him to end their relationship once and for all. He genuinely loved his girlfriend for more than just her appearance, and he pointed out how, even if they got older, he’d always love her.

His girlfriend didn’t feel the same and stated she “didn’t know” whether she’d still love him if he got older and “uglier.”

“I really wanted to marry this girl and believed in [our relationship] through sickness and health, etc., but I guess she didn’t,” he vented.

And after breaking up with her for good, he’s wondering if he made the right move.

“Am I asking too much for someone to love me for me and not my looks?” he asked.

Doesn’t he deserve someone who loves him no matter what? Was calling it quits the best thing to do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Katharina Buczek

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