
His Foster Parents Are Trying To Get Him To Change His Name To Something More Professional Sounding

They brought him a few articles that spoke about how important your name is and detailed that parents should name their child something that sets them up for life, not give them a name that’s adorable for just a kid.

His foster parents stated that they realize they cannot force him to change his name, but they are imploring him to do it anyway so he can have a professional future. They’re concerned people will not take him seriously if he keeps Ryder.

“They said they would hate to see me passed over for jobs because of my name,” he added. “And that they feel like a much older me won’t find the name as cool as I do now.”

“They asked if I trusted them, and I said yeah, and they said if I do, I should really give some thought to what I could change my name to [that would] be a better name for adult me.”

“I told them I was really never going to be okay with that. I felt like it was a waste of time and would get me stuck with some name I wouldn’t like. They asked why I was so okay with dismissing future me and why could I not try, when they were doing all they could to help me. I could tell it really got to them that I was still so against it.”

He’s left wondering if it’s wrong of him to refuse to change his name to something more professional and grown up.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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