Categories: Relationships

His Fiancée Admitted She Doesn’t Want To Settle Down For Another 10 Years, And He’s Worried This Means They’re Over

Bre Avery Zacharski

Now, back when he and his fiancée got engaged, they discussed a date for their wedding before 2024 concluded, but they have not set one so far.

Last night, he asked his fiancée about what date she would like to pick, and she shocked him by saying she thinks they should wait three years until her career training is complete.

That’s far different than what they have discussed in the past, as they anticipated tying the knot by the end of next year.

He then questioned his fiancée about her timeline for having children with him, and she mentioned most likely she will be ready in her mid-30s, as she wants to be more established in her career before becoming a mom.

The problem is that he’s not interested in waiting another 10 years to be a dad, and he voiced his concern to her.

That will make him 60 when his kids graduate from high school, and he’s worried he won’t even be alive to see his kids through their 30s. He’s witnessed older parents up close and acknowledges that it’s difficult.

“I reminded her I’m 10 years older, and I think despite it normally being a joke between us, it may have only now clicked to her,” he said.

Since he and his fiancée were on their way to grab dinner with their friends, their conversation was cut short, but they resolved to chat more at a later date.

When their night was over and they were getting ready to go to sleep, she wanted to know if he was angry with her, and he said he wasn’t.

He is delighted that his fiancée landed the job she’s dreamed of, and he knows it’s not fair to ask her to walk away from that and pick him as well as starting a family over her career. He would sooner dump her than allow her to sacrifice what she’s worked so hard for anyway.

But he’s left wondering what on earth he can do to resolve this with her.

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Published by
Bre Avery Zacharski

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