
His Dad Berated Him For Declining To Let His Stepbrother Move Into His Home

So this is why he declined to allow his stepbrother to move in with him. He pointed out to his dad and stepmom that they will have to find somewhere else for his stepbrother to live since it’s not going to be under his roof.

“Dad accused me of playing favorites and tried to berate me for it,” he said. “I told him I was happy to have my brother live with me, but he’s my only brother.”

He’s no longer picking up when his dad and stepmom call him, and he’s avoiding their texts as well since they’re only calling him names.

“My stepbrother also reached out and asked why I didn’t want to let him live with me, and he promised he’d work and help around the house like my brother,” he continued.

He’s left wondering if it’s wrong of him not to want his stepbrother living with him after he gave his brother that privilege.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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