
His Dad Berated Him For Declining To Let His Stepbrother Move Into His Home

carballo - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

One year ago, this 25-year-old man and his 24-year-old girlfriend purchased a house. Back in May, his 18-year-old brother graduated from high school and moved in with them so he could go to a community college located close by.

He and his girlfriend were both willing to allow his brother to be their roommate, and his brother is really thriving: he has new friends, a job, and is doing well in college.

Next year, his 17-year-old stepbrother is going to college, and now his dad and stepmom suddenly expect him to welcome him with open arms.

His dad didn’t know his own brother was moving in with him until the last moment. His dad was upset that he was discussing living arrangements for college with his brother, but not doing the same with his stepbrother.

“My dad and his wife married when I was 11, and my mom died when I was 9, so I lived with them,” he explained.

“For that reason, my dad feels like my stepbrother isn’t just a stepsibling but a sibling and should be given the same chance. I disagree, and I never thought of my stepbrother as my sibling.”

“To me, my brother was always my only sibling. We were close, and I’d spend time with him when I could.”

He’s never had that kind of relationship with his stepbrother, and he hasn’t spoken to him in the years since he moved out of their dad’s home.

His stepbrother was never the same as his brother to him. He’s also not close to his dad, so he just considers him and his brother to be family.

carballo – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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