
His Brother Decided To Remove Him As A Groomsman, So He Took Back His Offer To Host His Brother’s Wedding At His Vacation Property Just Three Months Before The Big Day

“Then it occurred to me: if I’m not important enough to be in his wedding party, why should I host the wedding at my place?” he asked.

He wound up calling his brother back and saying that because he was no longer a part of the wedding, Tom and his fiancée needed to find a new venue.

If you couldn’t have guessed, this made the couple furious. Tom and his fiancée apparently cannot afford a different venue at this point, so they accused him of ruining their big day.

His parents have taken Tom’s side as well and think he should still host the wedding and let the drama go.

“I feel like I was doing them a huge favor, and they essentially uninvited me from being part of the most important day of their lives,” he vented.

Nonetheless, while he really doesn’t think he’s in the wrong here for taking back his wedding venue offer, everyone is making him feel guilty.

Now, he’s been left wondering if he truly made the right decision.

Didn’t he and his brother have an agreement? Since his brother went back on his word, is he obligated to honor his offer anymore? What would you do in his shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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