
He’s Upset That His Wife Didn’t Put Any Effort Into Dressing Up For His Birthday Since It Was Their First Proper Night Out Away From Their Kids In Five Years

“I showered, shaved, ironed my shirt, and dressed up nicely. The kids and my mother-in-law complimented me on how I looked.”

Still, when he later checked on his wife again, she claimed to have forgotten to buy orange juice for the kids and wanted to head to the grocery store. He offered to go instead to allow her to get ready, but she was insistent on going herself.

Apparently, she wanted to take a walk after working from home all day.

His wife arrived home around 10 minutes later, and she declared that she had no time to dress up anymore. Then, she just went back to scrolling on her phone.

He asked if she could just put on a dress or something at least, but his wife refused – claiming she didn’t have any time to shave her legs.

That’s why, in the end, his wife wound up going out with him wearing just some jeans, a t-shirt, and a jacket, which was the same outfit she had worn during the day.

This honestly left him feeling really shocked and upset, too. He was looking forward to a special evening since it was both his birthday and their first date in five whole years.

“It really killed the mood for me, and I couldn’t enjoy the night. I could barely talk to her,” he admitted.

Once the show ended, he also didn’t want to go out to dinner anymore since he felt totally overdressed compared to his wife.

His wife didn’t understand that, either, and accused him of ruining the evening by being “close-minded.” She also believed that he had no right to tell her how to dress and should instead care more about her being comfortable.

“While I understand and agree with that point, I just wanted us both to make an effort, especially since this was a special occasion,” he vented.

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