
He’s Thinking Of Calling Off His Engagement After His Fiancée Said She Didn’t Find Him Exciting And Settled Down With Him Because He Made Her Feel Safe

Mego-studio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 29-year-old guy and his fiancée, who is 28, dated for just under two years before they got engaged a few months ago. He thought everything was great in their relationship, too, especially since his family really liked his fiancée.

However, his perspective completely shifted just the other day when he overheard her talking to a friend about him on the phone.

His fiancée seemed to be giving her friend relationship advice and claimed that, in order to find “the one,” excitement should not be an important factor.

“My fiancé isn’t exciting, but he makes me feel safe, and that’s when I realized I wanted to settle down with him,” his fiancée said during the call.

Her statement caught him completely off guard. He’d heard about women going for “bad boys” before eventually settling down with a “safe” option for a husband. Still, he didn’t think that applied to them.

So, the following day, he flat-out admitted to hearing what his fiancée discussed on the phone and asked what she meant when she called him unexciting.

To his surprise, she just doubled down – detailing how it was true that she didn’t believe he was that thrilling of a partner – but that it “didn’t matter.”

“I honestly felt very hurt. Maybe my ego is fragile? I don’t know,” he pondered.

“But it was a surprise to me because I felt like the way I see myself in my head was colliding with how she sees me, and it made me feel spaced out.”

Mego-studio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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