
He’s Separated From His Wife And Dating Someone New, But She Suddenly Wants To Fix Their Marriage

theartofphoto - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Twelve months ago, this 37-year-old man’s 37-year-old wife mentioned that she wanted to separate from him after six years of marriage. He and his wife have a five and two-year-old, and they own a home together.

In the months leading up to his wife asking for a separation, they were really struggling in their relationship.

He says this was because of his anxiety and depression, and his mental health suffered after the loss of two of his family members.

So, for the last year, he and his wife have continued living in the house they share because they wanted to try to make an effort for their kids.

However, the last two months have been a complete nightmare as he and his wife fought constantly over the terms of their separation.

His wife insisted on keeping their home and gaining full custody of their children, which he didn’t like.

While they argued about this, his wife would call him names and make him feel terrible about his poor mental health.

Additionally, she basically said all of their issues were all his fault. He also lost his job in April, and his wife didn’t care at all, let alone offer to support him in a financial or emotional sense.

He knows he hasn’t been his best self and is partially to blame for all of the ugly fighting. But this has absolutely taken a toll on him mentally, and he has turned to drinking alone at night when everyone else in the house is fast asleep.

theartofphoto – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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