Categories: Relationships

He’s Making His Wife Pay A Daycare Late Fee Of $262 Out Of Her Own Pocket Because She’s Never On Time To Pick Up Their Son

Katharina Buczek

“To be perfectly honest, there’s no doubt in my mind that they started this because of my wife, who was late to pick him up literally every day his first year,” he admitted.

“I’ve tried to get her to be better, but when confronted, she always has an excuse ready to go, which makes it impossible to have any discussion about the subject.”

So, when their daycare bill for the first two weeks of September recently arrived, he discovered that they’d been charged an extra late fee of $262 on top of their normal daycare cost.

This means that his wife was an average of 12 minutes late to get their son each day.

In light of the charges, he confronted his wife and stated that he’d pay the normal daycare bill.

However, he claimed it was her responsibility to pay the $262 late fee, which she could take out of her $800 allowance.

“She initially refused, saying she couldn’t afford it (despite having no real expenses other than her phone and Netflix), and then she called the daycare to try and debate the issue,” he recalled.

Spoiler alert: that didn’t get anywhere. And in the end, he told his wife that the late fees were completely her fault.

“And that if she can’t even do the bare minimum of being an adult, she needs to grow up,” he added.

Again, his wife went on and on about all of the excuses she had for running behind. Then, she asked why he didn’t just pick up their son. In response, he pointed out how he goes to work to support their family.

This argument has left a lot of tension in their relationship, and it’s affecting their son as well. The daycare will not allow his son back until the entire bill is paid in full, and he feels guilty about that.

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Katharina Buczek

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