
He’s Making His Wife Pay A Daycare Late Fee Of $262 Out Of Her Own Pocket Because She’s Never On Time To Pick Up Their Son

Prostock-studio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 34-year-old man and his wife, who’s 33, have been together for 10 years now, and they have a 4-year-old son.

But, from the very beginning of their relationship, his wife has had a frustrating habit – she is chronically late to absolutely everything.

He can only remember a handful of instances when she actually arrived on time for something. According to him, that’s because his wife is always heading out precisely when they are supposed to be getting somewhere.

For instance, if they have dinner reservations for 7:00 p.m., she isn’t ready to leave until 7:00 p.m. Or, if they are going to a 5:45 p.m. movie, she’s not walking out the door until, you guessed it, 5:45 p.m.

“I used to find it kind of humorous and almost endearing. There was an ongoing joke of her being from the distant future where we had figured out wormhole technology for instant teleportation and that she just had not adapted to the present year yet,” he explained.

Ever since they’ve had a child together, though, he doesn’t find his wife’s tendency funny anymore. When it comes to their son, they have important appointments that she simply cannot show up late to – and the fact that she’s always running behind schedule constantly causes him a ton of stress.

This is especially true regarding daycare, which his son only started attending last year. Because he works while his wife is a stay-at-home mom, she is responsible for both drop-off and pickup from daycare.

His wife is apparently late for both time slots every single day. And back in the middle of August, it became clear to him that his son’s daycare was getting sick and tired of it.

It all began when he received an email from the daycare detailing how a new fee would be tacked on for late pickups. More specifically, for every minute a parent was late, the daycare planned to charge an extra $2 – so being even five minutes late would incur a $10 fee.

Prostock-studio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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