Categories: Romance

He’s Been Falling Out Of Love With His Wife Ever Since She Got A Girlfriend

Bre Avery Zacharski

“I love her, and I chose to be with her, and she is obviously making attempts again (wearing her ring, being present, etc.) but feeling like she hasn’t been “fully” committed to me for so long and is dividing her time, love and emotional energy [which] has left me feeling empty,” he said.

He really would like to leave his wife and find a new girl he can trust and feel that spark with, but he’s hesitant to walk away because they have built a marriage together.

It might not be a solid one, but it is something they have worked on over the years. So, here he is, falling out of love with his wife while wondering what to do.

He knows he and his wife should have enforced better boundaries with their romantic partners all along and that it’s their fault things are breaking down, but that isn’t going to help him any today.

What advice do you have for him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Bre Avery Zacharski

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