
He’s Been Falling Out Of Love With His Wife Ever Since She Got A Girlfriend

PhotoBook - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

In 2018, this 35-year-old man met his 30-year-old wife, and they dated for seven months before getting married.

He did have to go overseas for some time, but he was head over heels in love with his wife. While he was away, he proposed to her, and they got married when he came home the next year. He admits they were in a honeymoon era when they tied the knot.

Now, he and his wife agreed that they could both see other women while he was abroad so that his wife wouldn’t feel lonely without him.

In hindsight, he can see that they failed to establish healthy guidelines around this, but they spent an entire year dating the same girl collectively before they chose to pursue other women.

Then, in 2021, his wife met her current 25-year-old girlfriend, which was a whirlwind romance, but he thought it was just giving off new relationship energy.

“Little things started changing- she stopped wearing her wedding ring, was texting her a large portion of the time, [was] less interested in [being physical], changed her social media pictures from us to just her, etc.,” he explained.

“A lot of things I would look past in a one-off instance, but combined, there were some serious red flags. I tried talking to her about it several times, but she reassured me there weren’t any issues and that I was [a] priority.”

“Despite her saying this, I did not feel like I was, and I pushed down a lot of those emotions as just me being insecure or worrying too much. My love and feelings didn’t change very much towards my wife, but slowly, she began feeling a little distant, and I just chalked these things up as a “part of our relationship.”

Their friends began to notice things in their marriage weren’t quite right, as well as girls he went on to see, and he would laugh while saying he and his wife were totally fine, though he knew they were not.

PhotoBook – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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