
Her Son’s Fiancée Wants A Halloween Wedding, And She’s Concerned It Will Make Her Son Look Bad As A Lawyer

She has attempted to discuss her concerns with Matt after Amy insisted on her red ruby slippers, but Matt responded that if she’s already getting this stressed about the wedding, she shouldn’t attend it.

“I tried explaining that this kind of tackiness can backfire on his career because when he has wedding pictures up, people are going to notice his bride in a black dress and question his integrity as [a] lawyer,” she said.

“Matt has told me that I’m going to be uninvited to his wedding if I continue to make a scene, but I’m just trying to help people see him in a better light.”

She’s left wondering if it’s wrong of her to just want Matt to go the more traditional route so it won’t negatively impact his career.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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