
Her Sister’s Husband Forces Her To Be Skinny, And She Finally Said Something About It In Front Of Their Family

She knows how harmful and dangerous it is for young girls to hear things about being super thin, so she piped up.

“…I warned them being that skinny wasn’t healthy, and the only reason my sister was that skinny [was] because she had to because of her husband,” she added.

“The cousin who originally brought up the topic joked that she would do it too if she had my sister’s life and then changed the subject, so I thought that was the end of that. However, my sister confronted me when we were alone and yelled at me for making her husband seem like some toxic, controlling misogynist.”

“She accused me of being jealous and having no idea what I was talking about. My sister isn’t a confrontational person, and it was completely out of character for her to react that way, so I apologized even though I stand by what I said.”

She’s left wondering if it was wrong of her to point out that her sister’s husband is the one forcing her to be skinny since her sister will not forgive her.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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