
Her Sister-In-Law Asked For A Necklace From Her Late Mother’s Jewelry Collection That Was Left For Her, And When She Wouldn’t Hand It Over, She Was Accused Of Being Selfish

Ni23 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 24-year-old woman sadly suffered the loss of her mother recently, and grieving has taken a large toll on her.

“My mom was my best friend, and we were so close,” she said.

Following her mother’s death, she also inherited the bulk of her personal belongings – including her mom’s jewelry.

While she was alive, her mom compiled a small yet valuable collection of pieces that were really coveted. Some of the jewelry had even been passed down through her family for generations.

So, she was shocked when her brother’s wife, Emily, who’s 29, hit her with a surprising request only a few weeks after her mom’s funeral.

It all began when Emily came over to visit and, during a conversation, began talking about how much she loved her mom’s jewelry. Afterward, her sister-in-law brought up how she’d always especially admired one specific necklace that her mom often wore.

“I told Emily it was one of my mom’s favorites and that it meant a lot to me,” she recalled.

Well, her sister-in-law apparently completely disregarded that and proceeded to ask for the necklace as a “keepsake” to remember her mother.

She was totally caught off guard, particularly because her mom and Emily never even had a close relationship. Given that, she found it strange that her sister-in-law would think to ask for such a personal item.

Ni23 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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