Her Sister Found Out Her Husband Had Been Cheating Throughout Their Whole Relationship, But She Won’t Help Watch Her Sister’s Kids While Her Sister Gets A Job And Saves Up Enough Money To Leave Him

Andrey_Arkusha - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Andrey_Arkusha - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Andrey_Arkusha - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Just last month, this woman’s sister welcomed her second baby into the world.

However, the experience wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows – because a couple of months beforehand, it came out that her brother-in-law had been cheating on her sister throughout their entire relationship.

The most troubling part is that her sister has no education or career history. She’s only ever been a stay-at-home mom.

“I discouraged her from having children without an education or career to fall back on, but my sister told me to mind my own business,” she recalled.

Now, though, it appears she might have been right. Her sister wants to leave yet cannot afford to since her sister’s husband has complete control over their finances.

On top of that, once her brother-in-law’s infidelity was exposed, he actually claimed that if her sister didn’t like it, then she could get out of the home he paid for and “sleep on the street.”

This has pushed her sister to want to get a job. As for childcare, her sister expects her to either watch the kids on her days off from work or help pay for daycare.

She has a major problem with that idea, as she doesn’t like children whatsoever, hence why she and her husband have opted to be child-free.

She also already works three days a week as a registered nurse, and the last way she wants to spend her free time is by babysitting.

Andrey_Arkusha – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“So I have flat-out told my sister no, not my problem. She made bad choices and didn’t want to listen to anyone’s advice,” she revealed.

“I suggested she wait until her second child is in school, and she can start working then.”

Well, if you couldn’t have guessed, her sister was infuriated by her refusal to help out and didn’t want to have to wait five or six whole years until she could get back into the workforce. Not to mention, her sister is worried about getting pregnant again before she’s able to leave.

Her family has heard about the situation, too, and they’ve all taken her sister’s side – claiming she should lend a hand. But when she suggested that some of them step up and take on the childcare responsibilities, everyone just made up excuses.

Apparently, her parents are dealing with health problems, and both of her brothers currently live out of state.

She still offered to pay for transportation in order to help her sister move in with one of their brothers. Despite that, they turned her down and said they didn’t have enough space.

“I find it kind of crazy that my sister was so smug about being a cute little trad wife and packing her husband’s lunches and talking about the superiority of their lifestyle to now expecting me to bail her out of her stupid choices,” she vented.

Nonetheless, with her whole family against her on this, she’s unsure if refusing to watch her sister’s children and help her leave her husband really is a jerky move.

Do you think she should support her sister right now, or does her sister need to figure this out on her own? What would you do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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