
Her Roommates Are Angry With Her For Not Disclosing That She’s Really Their Landlord

One day, while she was in class, Bea brought their mail in, and Sasha ended up opening the envelope from her dad, which contained checks for the same amount as the rent they pay.

Sasha pieced it all together and realized the secret she’s been keeping from them. Sasha and Bea then asked her about the checks, and she owned up to the fact that she’s really their landlord.

“I told them everything and they’re mad at me for hiding this from them and think I’m not only in the wrong for keeping it a secret but for making them pay rent in the first place,” she added.

“The house’s mortgage has already been paid off, so the rent goes entirely into my pocket. I responded by saying that they shouldn’t have gone through my mail in the first place and that it was illegal, which I’ll admit was kind of a low blow.”

“We weren’t friends when they moved in, and the whole point of me wanting roommates was so that I could earn extra cash, so I don’t see why I should let them reside for free.”

She charges Sasha and Bea a fair amount for the rent, but they are from rich families, and she feels that if they want to save money, they can move into the dorms.

But anyway, she’s left wondering if it was wrong of her not to tell Sasha and Bea that she’s their landlord.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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