
Her Roommate Put On Weight And Started Stretching Out Her Clothes, So She Said Her Roommate Couldn’t Borrow Any More Of Her Garments And Got Accused Of Fat-Shaming Her

My Ocean studio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This young woman currently lives with a roommate, who recently put on some weight. But she thinks that her roommate looks better than ever – especially since now, she has an hourglass shape.

“I am honestly a little bit jealous, not in a resentful way, though, because I can’t get a body like that. It’s just not in my genetic constitution,” she said.

Regardless, she always makes sure to say that her roommate is gorgeous.

Still, their different sizes are creating tension in their friendship as they can no longer borrow each other’s clothes.

For context, they used to share garments all the time. However, her roommate’s newfound weight gain has caused some of her clothing to get stretched out beyond repair.

This has left a few of her pieces unwearable as they’re simply too big for her.

“I’ve tried putting them in the tumble dryer to shrink them back down, but it hasn’t worked,” she detailed.

“It would be fine if I were rolling in cash, and I could just buy new ones, but I really can’t afford to replace everything every time she borrows it.”

That’s why, when her roommate asked her to borrow one of her shirts the other day before work, she apologized and said no. Afterward, she tried to gently tell her roommate why in the kindest way she could.

My Ocean studio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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