Categories: Relationships

Her Roommate Freaked Out On Her For Refusing To Leave A First Date To Help Her After She Got Locked Out

Katharina Buczek

“I texted Rachel back that she could either wait a few hours until I got back or crash at her friend’s place for the night,” she detailed.

Well, rather than being thankful that she was willing to change her plans, her roommate just proceeded to flip out on her – calling her a bad friend. Plus, she got accused of “abandoning” Rachel in an emergency simply because she was out on a date.

She pointed out how it wasn’t her fault that her roommate was locked out. In fact, she believed Rachel was at fault for forgetting her keys and could’ve made other arrangements for the evening.

“It’s worth mentioning this isn’t the first time Rachel’s locked herself out,” she noted.

Anyway, after their argument, her roommate wound up sleeping at a friend’s place, and they’ve barely spoken to each other ever since.

Now, this has left her wondering whether refusing to leave her date and help out her roommate was really so unreasonable or not.

Should she have been there for her roommate, or was her roommate being inconsiderate? What would you have done in her shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Katharina Buczek

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