
Her Rich Boyfriend Says He Makes Over $60,000 A Month, But The Math Isn’t Backing Out

“I told him it was mine and that it was a gift from my parents,” she explained. “He was shocked to learn that I came from a privileged background. He was so shaken by this news that he didn’t speak to me for days after this conversation.”

“His entire personality toward me changed after that. He started telling me that he makes thousands of dollars a day doing online trading, but he didn’t want to tell me sooner [because] he didn’t want things to be weird between us.”

“I was like “cool, good for you,” because I genuinely didn’t care. He also revealed that he pays rent for two apartments, one in NYC and one in Miami. I said, “That’s wasteful. Why would you do that?” and he said, “[because] I can.” He started posting on all of his public social media pages screenshots of the money he’s making doing day trading, and it really does look like he’s making 20k+ a week.”

Several months later, he organized a Miami vacation for them since her boyfriend really wanted to show her his apartment.

He booked her flights and maintained that she didn’t have to pay for anything for the four days they would be there together.

She had a blast in Miami, and anything she wanted to do, her boyfriend paid for. The only red flag for her was that his apartment seemed to be an Airbnb since there were no personal belongings.

After their vacation was over, they went back to being long-distance. In the weeks that followed, she got wrapped up with graduate school and other things in her life, so she stopped texting or calling her boyfriend a lot.

This infuriated her boyfriend, who began insisting she was seeing other guys while “taking advantage of him.”

She was puzzled as this came out of left field. What confused her the most, though, is that her boyfriend claimed she was nothing but a “burden” on him financially.

He asked if she realized how expensive she is, while throwing it in her face that he spent over $10,000 on her for the Miami trip.

He called her “a money sinkhole” and said that clearly, nothing he does for her is ever good enough.

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