
Her Mother Got Her 3-Year-Old Daughter’s Ears Pierced Behind Her Back, So Now She’s Never Letting Her Mom Babysit Ever Again

That’s when she realized her mom had gotten Lily’s ears pierced behind her back, and she was livid.

She immediately confronted her mom about it, but her mom didn’t even seem remorseful.

“My mom just smiled and said, ‘I finally took care of it for you. You’ll thank me later when she looks like a proper little girl,'” she revealed.

“She had taken Lily to a jewelry store and had her ears pierced without even consulting me or my husband.”

She wound up freaking out on her mom and saying she had no right to do that. Her mom, on the other hand, kept acting like she was overreacting.

Plus, she got called dramatic and was told Lily just got earrings, not a tattoo or something.

Anyway, upon arriving home, it was obvious that her daughter was uncomfortable and in pain.

Lily kept trying to tug the earrings out, so she and her husband had to carefully remove the jewelry while her daughter was crying the entire time.

“My husband was equally furious and said that we should never let my mother babysit again,” she added.

However, her mother has begun “playing the victim” and gossiping about the situation to other family members – calling her ungrateful.

“My mom’s saying she was only ‘trying to help’ and that it’s ‘tradition’ for little girls to get their ears pierced,” she vented.

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