
Her Husband’s Ex-Wife Demanded That She Get Rid Of Her Cats, So She Kicked Her Out Of Her House

Alena Ozerova - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or cat

Eight years ago, this woman’s husband got divorced, and his ex-wife was quick to use their children against him in an effort to force him to stay with her.

After that failed, her husband’s ex-wife drove a wedge between him and his kids to the point where the kids said they no longer wanted to speak to him. His kids are now 12 and 13.

Lately, her husband’s kids have changed their minds and want to develop a relationship with him, so his ex-wife got in contact.

Her husband said his ex-wife could bring the kids over to their home; that way, they could meet their little brother.

She and her husband got together three years after his divorce, married two years ago, and they have a two-year-old son.

Her husband’s ex-wife said she would like to come to their home first before they have the kids over, and they said it wasn’t a problem.

“The second she stepped into our house, she saw our 2 cats and immediately said I have to get rid of them because her daughter is allergic,” she explained.

“I tried to keep calm and told her that this is out of [the] question. The cats are part of our family; we love them, and my son loves them; they have such an amazing bond that started when he was still in the womb.”

“When I was pregnant, our cats used to cuddle with my belly. When my son was born, they used to watch him sleep in his crib. They now sleep and play together.”

Alena Ozerova – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or cat

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