
Her Husband Made Her Cry When He Said He’s Struggling To Remain Faithful To Her Since She’s Ugly

sepy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

In a recent marriage counseling session this woman attended with her husband, he blurted out that he misses her being hot and he wishes she was still attractive, but his words only got more scathing as they went on.

She’s been aware that over the years, her husband has lost his attraction to her, as he remarked on her weight, but his words were really hurtful in this particular session.

“He said everyone looked at us everywhere, and everyone complimented my appearance everywhere we went,” she explained.

“He said he missed other people saying, “Wow, she’s with him?” He missed everyone telling him that they thought he was dating a model.”

“This is true. I looked amazing when I was in my early 20s. Now I’m 28, [and my] metabolism caught up with me.”

She also gave birth 19 months back, which has contributed to her changing body. Back when she met her husband, she was 100 pounds, and now she’s 163 pounds.

She knows she is overweight, as do other people in her life, and she has gone from an extra small in her clothing size to an extra large.

But her husband didn’t just take shots at her over her weight in the session; he also informed her that he no longer recognizes the girl he thought he married.

“He said he wouldn’t [have] ever looked my way 7 years ago if I looked like how I look now,” she said.

sepy – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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