
Her Husband Has Forgotten Their Anniversary Three Years In A Row, So She Wants To Leave Him

“We had a big argument, and he promised he would make it up to me,” she recalled.

So, for their anniversary this year, she waited around all day and hoped it would be different. Spoiler alert: that didn’t happen, and her husband forgot for a third time.

“No card, no flowers, not even a simple ‘happy anniversary,'” she said.

She decided to confront her husband about it, too, yet he just acted like it wasn’t a big deal. He tried to claim it was “just a date” and didn’t understand why it mattered so much to her.

His lack of consideration finally pushed her over the edge.

“I feel like he doesn’t care about our marriage anymore, and if he can’t be bothered to remember something as important as our anniversary, what does that say about his commitment to us?” she asked.

That’s why she ended up telling her husband that she wants a divorce, and he hasn’t stopped accusing her of being petty and overreacting ever since.

Now, she’s been left wondering if splitting up over his lack of effort would really be so unreasonable.

Is it clear that her husband has no regard for her feelings? Do you agree that his behavior is a red flag for their marriage? What would you do in her shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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