
Her Husband Abruptly Served Her With Divorce Papers, But Then Showed Up Months Later Sobbing While Begging Her To Take Him Back

So, the distance argument made sense to her, but it upset her that her husband never mentioned it before jumping to filing for divorce.

Several more days passed, and she realized she no longer wanted to spend her life with a man who admitted he wasn’t in love with her.

It was then that she said she was willing to move forward with the divorce process. Her loved ones were so sad, but she was surprised when her husband’s parents each sent her lengthy texts pleading with her to give her husband another shot.

This all went down months ago, and her husband has been living with his brother while she’s kept on staying in their home.

So far, they have gotten along well amid the divorce, which is really the only thing she can think to ask for as they separate their lives.

“At one meeting, my husband even mentioned he was going on a blind date that night,” she said.

“It hurt to hear, but at the same time, I accepted it because our relationship was as good as over. All that changed last week when my husband and [his] brother showed up unexpectedly on the doorstep. My husband was crying and begging for me to take him back.”

“He kept saying he’d loved me all this time and had made a terrible mistake. The whole thing felt so weird, and I ended up telling them both to leave and closed the door.”

After she closed the door in his face, he called her up sobbing and left her dozens of voicemails. Her best friend thinks that perhaps this blind date her husband was seeing dumped him, leading to his desire to want her back.

She can only speculate, as there’s no telling what caused him to come running. He hasn’t stopped begging her to give him another chance.

He insists that they can reverse the divorce since it’s not yet finalized, but that’s not something she’s interested in doing.

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