Her Friend’s Emotional Support Dog Ruined Her Furniture, So She’s Banning The Pup From Her Home

GalakticDreamer - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or dog
GalakticDreamer - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or dog - pictured above a woman holds a small dog

This 19-year-old girl has a 21-year-old friend named Amy, and Amy has a little pup that she says is an emotional support dog.

A couple of months ago, she held a get-together with her friends at her place. She absolutely loves animals of all kinds, and she’s a pet person, so when Amy asked if her dog was invited, she said sure.

However, when Amy showed up at her house, her dog ruined her furniture. Amy’s dog scratched up her coffee table’s legs and obliterated one of the cushions on her couch.

“Amy apologized, but she kind of brushed it off and said, “He’s still learning to behave in new environments,” she explained.

“I didn’t push back too much because I know the dog is important to her, but I was pretty upset because it cost me quite a bit to replace the damaged items.”

This brings us to the present. She’s planning a second gathering with her friends, and Amy instantly mentioned wanting to bring her dog along.

Being as polite as possible, she informed Amy that she didn’t want her dog to come with her, given how he behaved in her home last time.

She said she really didn’t want the dog to destroy any more of her furniture, but instead of being understanding, Amy was furious with her.

“Amy got really upset and said that I was being insensitive to her mental health needs,” she said.

GalakticDreamer – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or dog

“She insisted that she needs the dog with her at all times and that I’m making her feel excluded by not allowing the dog.”

“I suggested that she leave the dog at home just for a couple of hours or that we meet somewhere else, but she said I’m being unreasonable.”

Several of their friends have weighed in, insisting she should allow Amy to bring her dog in order to prevent drama.

She wants to stick to banning Amy’s pup from her home, as she does not see how she should have to gamble with Amy’s dog damaging her home further.

Do you think she should allow Amy’s dog to come?

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