
Her Fiancé Confessed She’s Not His Type, And They’re Getting Married In Three Weeks

From there, her fiancé began to act in a weird way. Any time this TV character would do something in the show that she didn’t agree with, her fiancé would vehemently defend the girl.

“He has been doing this in other scenarios where he plays ‘devil’s advocate,’ and I get really flustered because I don’t feel like my opinion is being heard; it’s like he’s trying to argue the other side or debate,” she said.

“I think I’m a relatively attractive woman and have experienced plenty of times where men defend women solely on the fact that they’re pretty. I eventually asked if he found the woman attractive and he said yes that he likes her aesthetic and then went off to name a bunch of things he liked about her that is the opposite of what I look like (blonde hair, blue eyes, lots of tattoos and a rock and roll girl kind of vibe).”

“He said that she was his type and referenced me asking a couple [of] weeks ago, and he said he had a chance to think about it. I asked if I was his type, and he said no, but that he still finds me beautiful and that he loves me.”

What makes this even more upsetting for her is that she knows the girl her fiancé dated right before her was his type: blonde with tattoos and blue eyes.

She pointed this out to her fiancé, and he maintained that personality is something he values, not just looks, and his ex had a bad personality.

Even though she’s not his type, he isn’t interested in canceling their upcoming wedding and very much so wants to go through with everything.

Sadly, that hardly makes her feel better about this candid conversation regarding the type of girl he finds attractive.

“I’m not really sure what to do because my spirit is absolutely crushed,” she continued. “I feel ugly. I’m heartbroken. I feel alone and like I have no one to talk to.”

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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