Categories: Relationships

Her Coworker’s Seeing A Guy Who She Thinks Gives Off Stalker Vibes, And She Wants Her Coworker To Block Him

Katharina Buczek

Well, rather than being weirded out by his obsessiveness, her coworker actually unblocked Jeffrey and went out on another date with him.

During that third date, he also admitted to sending a card to Vanessa’s home address and asked whether her coworker had forgiven him because of that.

Now, she didn’t find out about all of this until just yesterday – when Vanessa came into work and filled her in on everything.

Some of her other colleagues apparently thought it was sweet that Jeffrey had put in so much effort to get a second chance.

“Whereas the rest of us think it gives off stalker vibes with bright red flags,” she explained.

So, she is genuinely considering telling Vanessa to block the guy and get the police involved if he continues trying to contact her. However, she’s not sure if that would cross a line and make her a jerk.

Do you think that she has a right to be concerned about Jeffrey? Should she tell Vanessa what she thinks or keep her opinion to herself? What would you do in her shoes? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek

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