
Her Coworker’s Seeing A Guy Who She Thinks Gives Off Stalker Vibes, And She Wants Her Coworker To Block Him

Seventyfour - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Seventyfour - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Sometimes, when you’re in the thick of dating and searching for that special someone, it can be hard to spot dealbreakers and red flags – no matter how glaring they are.

That’s why friends are valuable resources, providing a fresh set of eyes and a new perspective on whether a potential partner is good to go or a huge “no.”

One 35-year-old woman feels like her input on a guy her coworker recently began seeing could be helpful as well. But she’s not sure if she should pitch in her two cents.

To set the scene, her colleague, Vanessa, is 23-years-old, and they’ve become very close friends while working together. Vanessa also started seeing a guy named Jeffrey, who’s 26, and the pair went out on a few dates together.

In the beginning, everything seemed to be going great, which is why her coworker went on a second date with Jeffrey. Yet, during that next outing, he did something pretty weird.

“He asked Vanessa if she was the ‘jealous type,’ and when she said no, he pulled out his phone and went onto her Instagram and found one of her female friends,” she detailed.

Next, Jeffrey proceeded to scroll through Vanessa’s friend’s photos, liking all of them in front of her to see Vanessa’s reaction.

Her coworker was understandably confused by his behavior and had no clue why he’d do that. So, once their second date ended, Vanessa went home and blocked Jeffrey’s number.

“Jeffrey then started creating new accounts on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and LinkedIn to message her to ‘apologize,'” she revealed.

Seventyfour – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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