
Her Coworker Made Her Feel Bad About How Loud Her Heels Are At Work, And Now She Doesn’t Know If She’s Committing Some Kind Of Faux Pas

At that point, without looking at her, one of her colleagues made a remark that she couldn’t understand how some people wore heels all the time.

She realizes that her colleague didn’t say that directly to her face, and perhaps Casey’s prior comment had just put her on edge.

“But it seemed pointed at me,” she admitted. “Both of these coworkers were wearing sneakers, and I was the only one in heels.”

Still, she is genuinely confused about why her heels would even be a problem. There are hundreds of employees in her office, and countless women wear pumps as well.

“I also don’t see Casey or other coworkers too often because we’re all on different floors,” she vented.

Despite that, she doesn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable, and the awkward encounter with Casey has left her wondering if she’s committing some kind of “faux pas” and should stop wearing her heels.

If she’s following her office’s dress code, should she pay attention to snarky things her coworkers say? Do you think it’s best to just keep doing what she’s doing? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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