
Her Cousin Said Her Son, Who Has Cerebral Palsy, Shouldn’t Go To Her Wedding Because He Might Ruin The Vibe, So Now She’s Refusing To Attend Either

“Plus, I don’t want people to feel awkward or sorry for him, you know? The whole day’s going to be about celebrating, and I just want the vibe to be right,” her cousin continued.

She couldn’t believe her cousin was insinuating that her son, who has a disability, would somehow ruin the dynamic of the wedding. She felt infuriated, too, but she tried to remain calm.

Next, she made it clear that if her son wasn’t welcome, then she wouldn’t be there, either. This quickly made Emma start to backtrack. Her cousin accused her of overreacting and swore she didn’t mean the remark “like that.”

“But she 100% did. I ended the conversation by telling Emma I had nothing else to say, and I left the barbecue early,” she recalled.

Well, afterward, the rest of her family wound up finding out that she was refusing to attend Emma’s nuptials, and they proceeded to treat her like the bad guy.

Her aunt, Emma’s mother, actually called her and claimed that she needed to “let it go” since wedding planning is stressful, and her cousin did not intend to offend her. On top of that, her own mom even thinks that she should “be the bigger person.”

“But I am so furious. My son is not an embarrassment, and I refuse to act like his presence is some kind of inconvenience,” she vented.

“I can’t stand the idea of sitting at Emma’s wedding, smiling and pretending like she didn’t just completely disrespect my son.”

Still, she’s not sure if “sucking it up” and attending for the sake of family would be the right thing to do.

How would you feel if a relative insulted your disabled child like that? Should she stand her ground?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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