
Her Brother’s Fiancée Badmouthed Her Husband And Kids, So Now She Doesn’t Want To Attend His Wedding Anymore

This has made her not want to attend her brother’s wedding whatsoever anymore. It doesn’t feel right pretending everything is okay after her brother’s fiancée was so disrespectful toward her family.

Her brother, on the other hand, didn’t understand where she was coming from and actually just accused her of making things difficult for him. Her parents have gotten involved, too, and they keep pressuring her to attend.

They believe her brother’s wedding is only “one day” and that she’d cause more problems by skipping it.

“But I just don’t see how I can stand there, supporting their marriage, when I know how she really feels about the people I love most,” she explained.

Thankfully, her husband has taken her side and plans to stand by whatever choice she makes.

Nonetheless, everyone else in her family keeps acting like she’s the bad guy and being unreasonable.

“And I’m starting to doubt myself. Am I really making too much of this? Should I just suck it up and go for the sake of family, or do I have the right to stand my ground and not attend?” she asked.

Can you believe her brother disregarded her feelings like that? Would you want to be at his wedding after this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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