Categories: Weddings

Her Brother-In-Law And His Fiancée Asked Her To Have A Double Wedding, But She And Her Boyfriend Are Happy As Life Partners And Never Want To Tie The Knot

Katharina Buczek

This 36-year-old woman and her boyfriend, who’s 43, have been together for over seven years now, but they have no interest in tying the knot.

They both agreed early on in their relationship that neither of them ever wanted to get married.

“We have discussed the possibility of a paper marriage, but no wedding, if one of us ever got a job that offered healthcare benefits to spouses,” she explained.

However, not everyone in her and her boyfriend’s life seems to understand that they are perfectly fine with how things are now.

That’s because she was recently asked to actually join her friend’s nuptials for a “double wedding,” and she got treated like a buzzkill after turning down the idea.

For some context, her boyfriend’s youngest brother, her brother-in-law, will be getting married this weekend. She also happens to be close friends with the bride.

So, they recently got together to hang out, and while chatting, she brought up a story about how one of her friends had a triple wedding with their two sisters, meaning three couples all wed on the same day.

She realizes in hindsight that sharing this with the bride was a big mistake.

To be clear, she’d already told the bride numerous times that both she and her boyfriend were content with their current relationship.

yevgeniya131988 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Published by
Katharina Buczek

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