
Her Boyfriend Won’t Propose To Her Until He Has Loads Of Money, But He Will Have Kids With Her

“So, his response at the end was that it was not as important to him as it was for me to get married, and he isn’t looking to get married or propose anytime soon unless he’s been successful and has lots of money,” she added.

Her boyfriend pointed out that children should be their priority instead of a wedding since they’re not getting any younger.

However, kids require money, and a fair amount of it, so she doesn’t quite get his reasoning. Why not wait for both if money is the one hang-up?

Additionally, she feels like if a man really wants to get married to a woman, they don’t drag their feet.

“It doesn’t matter how little they have in their pockets; that man knows when he wants that woman by his side,” she continued.

“And when those men know, they ask those women in no time and marry them. I’ve personally known men who have asked in month(s) time, including my own parents.”

“He has recited several times the first 3 years of our relationship that I had potential; nothing was ever said since then until today.”

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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