
Her Boyfriend Won’t Propose To Her Until He Has Loads Of Money, But He Will Have Kids With Her

halayalex - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

For nearly 12 years now, this 32-year-old woman has been with her 37-year-old boyfriend. Her boyfriend works his hardest to have the career of his dreams, and due to that, they have been long-distance for the last five or six years.

Her boyfriend puts in the time to come see her, but because of finances and a few other reasons, they are not living with one another at the moment.

She admits that she and her boyfriend have encountered highs and lows throughout their relationship, but it’s no different from anyone else. They have the maturity to move forward, and they are truly happy to be with one another.

“We had a serious conversation today because we are getting older,” she explained. “He wants to have children, not planned but sort of; if they come, they come.”

She informed her boyfriend that she wants to get married before having children with him, that way she can be an “honest woman.”

But her boyfriend surprised her by saying he wants to wait until he has loads of money, and then he will propose to her.

It’s important to him to be able to purchase an enormous engagement ring, throw a huge engagement party, and then have an over-the-top wedding.

He wants everything to be bigger and better. She knows that’s generous and romantic of him, but that’s not what she has in mind for their future.

She would prefer to get married in her backyard and have a plain gold band as her engagement and wedding ring. To her, that is ideal, and she’s never been the kind of girl to dream about or plan her wedding.

halayalex – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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