Categories: Relationships

Her Boyfriend Humiliated Her During A Dinner Party By Criticizing Her Cooking In Front Of Everyone, So Now She Won’t Make Him Any More Meals

Katharina Buczek

She was mortified, and the following day, she finally confronted her boyfriend. She called him out for being so critical, and she admitted that she didn’t want to cook for him anymore if he wasn’t going to be appreciative of her efforts.

In response, her boyfriend actually accused her of overreacting and tried to justify his behavior by claiming that he was only “being honest.” Plus, he said that she needed to learn how to take constructive criticism.

“I told him that there’s a difference between constructive criticism and being rude, and until he learns that, he can handle his own meals,” she revealed.

She stuck to her word as well, and over the last week, her boyfriend has had to deal with cooking for himself – which he isn’t happy about.

“And he says I’m being petty and immature,” she vented.

Their mutual friends have also heard about their argument, and they’re all split. Some took her side, while others thought she was getting too bent out of shape.

Now, she can’t help but wonder if boycotting cooking for her boyfriend after he couldn’t stop criticizing her was really so unreasonable or not.

Does it sound like her boyfriend is actually attempting to give her helpful feedback, or is he only being disrespectful? How would you have felt in her shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Katharina Buczek

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